After Google, Twitter, iAdvize, PriceMinister,, Be2Bill, SpreadButton and many more we are thrilled to announce that Microsoft will join us to give a Conference on April 3rd for our second Lengow Ecommerce Day in Paris.

Franck Fuchs, OSS Evangelist at Microsoft will give a talk in English between 2.00 and share the vision and tools that Microsoft has developed for E-commerce purpose.

About Franck Fuchs :

Frank is a creative thinker who has the gift of being able to make highly complex topics and processes comprehensible in a way that everyone can understand. This way, he brings people with a broad range of expertise together, which lead to innovative and visionary projects. Over the past 15 years, Frank’s Internet career has allowed him to work with some of the leading brands of the Internet industry, which he continues to do to this day. He was in charge of the Bing search engine at Microsoft in Germany and continued to work as a freelance consultant for the company after he left in 2011 to build a Start-Up. Prior to that, Frank was a core member of the Yahoo! team that built their EU local search engine from scratch, before joining Yahoo! Answers in London where amongst other things he worked on a large scale community moderation system or co-authored a patented content routing engine he also was responsible for product strategy and product development of Yahoo! Answers worldwide.

After joining Microsoft, Franck now shares his experience and knowledge as OSS Evangelist where he is charged to drive increased awareness of the Microsoft consumer experience and help increased platform and tool adoption for Microsoft’s operating system and services portfolio.

Do not forget to register asap if you plan to be around Paris region on April 3rd, tickets are going rapidly ;)